Points to consider...

  • Who will your targert audience be?
My target audience will be sixth formers and i have chosen this as i am a sixth former myself therefore i am able to relate to the audience and specifically cater for their needs and wants within the magazine. It will provide me with a much greater understanding of what will appeal to my readers.

  • What is the name for your magazine going to be?
i have decided to use the roman numerals of the number 6 "VI", as it is a sixth form magazine and it make a good link between the two. I came up with this idea from the research i have done.

  • Who will be on your front cover?
I have chosen to have a group of about 3 or 4 people on my front cover. This group will consist of all sixth formers at a medium shot and this will help my magazine to appeal to sixth formers as they can relate to the students on the front cover.

·         What will be on your contents page?
My contents page will contain a list of the magazines page numbers and what will be featured on each page. It will include all the of the articles advertised on my front cover and plus more things that I think will interest my target readers.